Switch Water Supplier

About Switch Water:

Switch Water Supplier allows businesses to compare the whole open water market and switch supplier. It was launched in 2020 to help the 90% of businesses that have yet to benefit from the open water market and makes switching as easy as possible. Switch Water Supplier allows businesses to get quotes from leading water retailers, switch to a new supplier and start saving straight away.

The challenge:

Switch Water Supplier wanted to find a new way of engaging customers by putting a face to a product that is normally faceless and admittedly unexciting. This would allow it to onboard new customers and boost conversions, but also reduce the volume of calls to its customer support centre.

The solution:

Switch Water Supplier team used the 2mee platform to leverage its talent pool and experienced team to launch a series of human hologram messages on its website homepage. Messages were used to educate users on how easy it is to switch water providers and some of the key benefits they can unlock by doing so.

The results:

2mee helped Switch Water Supplier drive a 110% increase in click
to conversion over the promotion period while also generating a 27% increase in customer enquiries compared to promotions with no hologram. What’s more, the Switch Water call centre reported a 19% reduction in the number of inbound calls while the hologram campaign was active.

Key stats:
✅ 110% surge
in click to conversion

27% increase in customer enquiries

19% drop in calls to customer support centre